“The purpose of site navigationThe design to help guests easily and simply find case look at solution suggestions they need on a domain. is to assist visitors easily and easily find case look at solution information they need on a website. Among case study answer questions considered in site navigation are, How will guests input a site?How will guests use case look at solution site?How will they discover what’s available at case study solution site?How will they get from one page to an alternate and from one section to an alternate?How will guests find what they are looking for?”Efraim Turban et al. , Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, 754. Site navigation has to be easy, predictable, consistent, and intuitive adequate so that guests don’t have to believe approximately it. Efraim Turban et al. 10adverse credits remortgage234. 3330. 98mesothelioma information48. 6829. 77law lemon ohio54. 3129. Jean Bernard Lasnaud When case look at answer French born Jean Bernard Lasnaud was arrested in 2002 in Switzerland, it ended virtually three years of arrest requests from Argentinian courts and Interpol. Despite this, together with accusations from European courts on counts of arms smuggling and fraud, amazingly Lasnaud was allowed to live peacefully in South Florida for more than ten years before his past at last caught up with him. Lasnaud was in case look at solution business of promoting arms from his high priced gated neighborhood to anyone interested, with China and Somalia just two of case look at solution suspected client nations. According to his own estimates, Lasnaud’s Caribbean Group of Companies sold among $1 and $2. 5 million in guns every year. Accused of brokering hundreds of tons worth of Argentinian weaponry to Croatia and Ecuador among 1992 and 1995, Lasnaud even boasted his own web page to aid with his transactions.