Available at: icky M. Magalhaes, ‘Data Leakage, retaining confidentiality’. Available at: safety/Data Leakage retaining confidentiality. htmlSurveillance Self Defense, ‘Instant Messaging IM’. Available at: n Defense of Data, ‘Data Breach Trends and Stats’. Available at: . 8billion photos uploaded to case look at solution internet on a dailybasis. This displays case examine answer significance of imageson case look at answer internet. There also is a number ofbusinesses or agencies concerned in image plagiarism. The readily take photosfrom Google and regulate case study answer imagesaccording to their needs and then re add it as their own belongings. However, Google has a strict coverage towards plagiarism, if it is written content plagiarism andimage plagiarism. According to Google, it is a punishable offense. a HubPages could have a advertising and marketing or associate connection to items or services associated with or in another way made available on case look at answer Service. Through case look at solution use of advertising, advertising and marketing or associate links contained on case look at solution Service, HubPages may bring together fees from transactions performed or purchases made. HubPages makes this disclosure according to case study answer Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning case study answer Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. “b If You advocate any merchandise or amenities on case look at solution Service for which there’s a connection that might materially affect case look at solution weight or credibility of case study answer endorsement i. e. , case study solution connection isn’t quite expected by case study solution audience, You must fully reveal case look at solution connection.