vi One can easily form a superb bond with case examine answer readers, which again facilitates case look at solution building up of your blog’s recognition. vii Of your article goes viral, it will considerably give a contribution to case examine solution boom of your online page or blog in terms of seek engine ranks, visibility, recognition, and site visitors. Each one way link to your online page basically is similar to a vote, which facilitates augment case look at solution visibility of your web page. Article submission boosts case look at solution number of readers and generates traffic. It improves your brand presence. Through this SEO method, one also can obtain back links to their online page for a lifetime. Microenvironemnt Luella works with a team of proficient experts who’re dedicated to assisting case examine answer agency attain its goals in both creations, revenue goals and public members of the family. Momentarily, case study answer fashion designer is undergoing a manner of updating its online page so as to extra improve its relations with case study solution stakeholders, a must-have for successes Jefkins and Yadin, 1998. The limitations of Luella come from case look at solution proven fact that case examine answer fashion designer remains to be in case examine solution beginning of its operations and doesn’t advantage from having a reputable and robust brand. eferencesJefkins, F. , Yadin, D. , 1998, Public elations, 5th Edition, Financial Times ManagementWeston Thomas, P.