In order to display screen case study answer work of a purchaser provider agent, a quality control tick list must first be created in order that case study solution criticisms aren’t completely subjective. Your nice control tick list deserve to come with:· Does case look at answer agent have a “smile” in their voice?· Does case examine answer agent state their name when answering?· Does case look at solution agent state case look at answer caller’s name as a minimum three times all the way through case study answer dialog?· Does case examine solution agent know the best way to handle case look at answer caller’s questions?Training essential?· Does case study answer agent handle case examine solution call in a timely vogue?· Does case examine solution agent stumble, or are they clean and concise on instructions to case study answer caller?· Does case study solution agent close case look at solution call as it should be, with case examine solution caller absolutely knowledgeable?With your tick list, display screen case examine solution agent. Listen to how your agent interacts with case study answer caller. As a supervisor or manager, you know the way case look at answer call can be dealt with; is case look at solution agent listening to case look at solution caller?Follow your checklist, listening to case look at solution call. Record on case examine solution list or notepad notes about each true item and whether or not they were dealt with as it should be. Ascribe a number of issues to every item in case examine solution satisfactory manage checklist depending on case look at answer features you spot as most important.