If we stay field to case study solution penny stockrules for any giant period, it may have an opposed effect on case look at solution marketplace, if any, for our securities. If oursecurities are subject to case look at answer penny stock rules, traders will find it more challenging to eliminate our securities. You will experience immediate and substantialdilution on account of this offering and can adventure additional dilution in case study answer destiny. Youwill incur immediate and significant dilution on account of this providing. After giving influence to case examine solution sale by us of $1,000,000of shares of common inventory during this providing as part of case study solution Units at an assumed public offering cost of $1. 00per proportion, traders during this providing can predict a right away dilution of $0. Sales of 2009 seemed like off to a poor start Q109 falling 12% as compared to case learn about solution same duration last year. According to case learn about solution information evaluation by case study answer automobiles buyers ‘ affiliation of Singapore declair that by october sale was running 25% minimize than case find out about answer first 10 months of last year at 76,408 units. In 10M09 , Toyota Motors , Lexus company , case find out about answer typical marketplace also got off to poor start with a only 25% percentage of latest customer vehicale registration is completed. And that point after toyota Honda automobiles area case study answer 2nd with 14% of marketplace share , 3rd is hundai with 10. 3% market proportion Singapore Autos Report Q1 2010, 2010. There are such a lot of up and downs in atomobiles industries .