3. The industy involves meeting and compaction of seveal components, poduction and maketing high fequency and opeational ties to its taget goups. This pespective contextualizes on case study answer industial output in case study solution U. S. , particularly in Califonia, San Fancisco. San Fancisco has ecoded an exponential gowth fom inceasing input, output in addition to inceasing caee oppotunities in diffeent and elated fields of tie poduction. Submit Research Papers in folders with achieved Standards Check. My Central Question at Issue Is: My research is about cognitive development in little ones. The question is on what’s case examine answer effect of case look at answer media on case look at solution cognitive advancement of a baby. ?My Thesis Statement Argument/Stance Is: Electronic media is very vital in case study solution learning manner however it is indispensable that there are rules because it has a dominant role in case look at solution cognitive development of case study solution child. My Central Purpose in Writing this Paper Is To:My main aspect of writing this paper is to choose case study answer role of case study solution media in case study answer development of a child’s cognitive advancement. Through case look at solution paper I will demonstrate that that is in reality true that case examine answer media has a completely high impact on case study answer development of case examine answer child’s cognitive…… Summary of work completedTo help be sure that affected team of workers had a chance to talk their desires for case look at solution solution, a telephonic interview with a piece coordinator at Ames Central Travel Office was carried out lately; additionally, this telephonic interview was followed by a private visit to case look at answer Ames esearch Center in order gain a clearer knowing of case look at answer latest workflow process.