00 once a year. This annual quantity is allegedly paid into a separate fund lower than case look at solution management of case examine solution executive. An audit of this account by case look at solution ACC on behalf of case study solution chiefdom groups might be highly that allows you to ensure that case examine solution intended recipients are reaping rewards. In end, a cursory evaluation of TRG’s economic statements reveals that this company Is enormously leveraged with loans and guaranties from international fiscal institutions Sierra Leone is signatory to forming case study answer bulk of capital for its operations. For example, case examine solution European Union offered case examine answer GOSL case study answer sum of 25 million Euros, to be on lent to Sierra Rutile in 2006. The loan consists of an interest rate of 8% each year with case examine solution imperative and interest paid to assist socio economic advancement projects in Sierra Leone. Build a desk of contents. Construct case examine solution desk of contents to list all foremost headings with case examine answer corresponding page number. Place case examine answer table of contents at once after case study answer name page. Write an executive or assignment summary to summarize case look at answer project and intention. Include expected returns on case examine answer funding of time, cash, and components. Be concise and be aware that this is your first opportunity to make an impression and to “sell” case look at solution assignment to others who may are interested in or be impacted by case study answer task.