There are sole proprietorships, partnerships, C businesses and S agencies. Each of these paperwork of company organization has its advantages and downsides, its own requirements with regards to financial statements, tax implications, legal implications and accounting implications. Each of those…2IntroductionThe McGee Cake Company, owned by Doc and Lyn McGee, has been a sole proprietorship company considering that its inception in 2005 Ross, Westerfield and Jordan, 2013, p. 18. A sole proprietorship “is case look at answer least regulated variety of association” and has allowed case look at solution McGee’s to run their company in large part as they see fit and to harvest all case examine answer financial salary. However, case look at answer agency’s recent increase…Creating Small BusinessRichard KofoworolaACC561February 09, 2012Franklin Olivieri Creating Small BusinessIntroduction This report will discuss case examine answer advent of a brand new small business because of government application and investment to inspire more individuals into possessing their own company and creating more tax base for case look at answer govt.